I actually do really like the current logo, the purple is fun. That original one is wild though.
A community for discussion about Mozilla Firefox.
I used to prefer the 2017 one, but the current one has grown on me to the point where I feel pretty much equal on them.
Yeah the original logo is weird because it was made when it was still called Phoenix. I'm not a huge fan of it tbh.
Edit: Missed words
I do like the simplification of logos and icons, looks more neat so I prefer the newer logos though the older ones (besides Phoenix) arent bad either
I think 2017 hits the right sweetspot. Not too oversimplified (lookin at you, 2019) nor excessively realistic (2009 and before). Firefox and mozilla branding in genera looks fire (no pun intended) imo.
If you're interested in it: https://mozilla.design/ and https://acorn.firefox.com/latest/acorn.html
2004 and 2013
I miss that semi-clipart style.
2019 is best. gradation is beautiful.
2005 looks best to me.
The tail in 2009 is my favorite
A couple logos more and the fox is gonna disappear entirely, only to be reborn (?)
Coming full circle for the phoenix 😂
2005 and 2009
Besides 2019 (i love simplification) i would have to say 2005, that was my peak on the internet. lots of time spent as a teenager browsing random sites.
2005 is my favorite
2005 and 2009 for the clear detail, and 2017 for the simplification that still clearly conveys the logo.
It's a choice between 2004 and 2019. As overdone as minimalist designs can be at times, I find the simple, fiery gradient in 2019 to be gorgeous, along with the smooth curves. A really detailed logo in this day and age would look a bit out of place. 2017 and 2019 go for a similar aesthetic, though I believe 2019 pulls it off better.
That being said, I still enjoy the look of 2004, and think it's the best from 2004-2013. I find the tail in 2005 to be a tad too yellow, and I don't like how the outer parts of the blue globe can be seen beneath the tail in 2009 and 2013. 2004 is just sublime.
Not sure what 2002 is doing, because that sure as hell aint a fox xD
2004 ... best
It looks like with each successive update we're getting more fire and less fox (and also the globe is shrinking), which seems appropriate given our current environmental dilemma. I'm guessing the next one will just be a charred ball with a vague silhouette of a fox.
As far as design, 2017 is best, bring back the paw!
I quite liked the 2005 and 2009 logos. Showing a bit of detail on the planet was a nice touch. But I definitely understand why they chose to simplify the logo over time.
2004 as it's original form, but 2019 is still really nice too. The logo has aged really well over the years.
2005 Has to be my go to. Based off of this we are due for a logo rework.
Current isn't the worst case of flat design on the web, but definitely 2005. Sad to see graphic design going backwards in detail.