That's cool! I thought I read somewhere that defense builds weren't very viable in that game because no matter what an attack has a chance of doing all the damage because armor blocks between zero and something. Is this information outdated, or does the shield solve this problem?
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When not upgraded, armor blocks between 0 and X, but blocking increases with upgrades as +1/+tier. In addition, evasion means a hit can be avoided entirely.
I generally opt for evasion since it scales with upgrades I believe. At higher levels on plate armour it's great. Defense augmentation is dangerous if you don't have high defense to mitigate the DMG or a ring of elements to help you to reduce DMG from spells you're no longer good at avoiding
It's outdated.
My armour was doing 8-60 block DMG. The shield was doing 0-16 or so.
The thorns mechanic got pretty broken pretty quickly: I was doing multiple rounds of 10 DMG bleeding every time they even looked at me.
Arcana x Thorns is some powerful stuff.