I had my first episodes in my 20s. I don't have the big scary demon in the room or sitting on me feeling. The first couple times it happened I described it as dreaming about the physical space I was actually sleeping. Sometimes the "dream" would be like playing a game with low frame rate. Stuttering movement. Then a realization that I was actually in a state between being asleep and awake. The common thread is I want to wake up but I can't.
20 years later I have a much better understanding of what it is and when it might happen. Sometimes I can use this knowledge to remind myself that whatever I'm experiencing isn't real. It's temporary. I WILL wake up soon. My perception of time isn't accurate and rationally I just need to relax and I'll be awake again soon. Other times I can't seem to get a handle on it and I feel like I'm having a full panic attack. I'm trying to scream. I'm trying to wiggle. I'm trying to alert someone in the room that I'm in distress and they need to wake me up. But of course I'm paralyzed by sleep and I can't do any of that.
I've had people observe me when it's happened and until I actually do jolt awake in a full blown, gasping and panting, freak out, they said they had no idea anything was wrong with me.
For me it doesn't seem to be linked to anything psychological in my life. The only common thread I've observed, it is more likely to happen if I'm too hot. If I'm under too many blankets, or if I fall asleep on the couch with my clothes on. Also being over tired.