this post was submitted on 11 Jun 2024
100 points (96.3% liked)


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A community for respectful discussion and memes related to autism acceptance. All neurotypes are welcome.

We have created our own instance! Visit the following community for more info:

Our Community



  1. No abusive, derogatory, or offensive post/comments e.g: racism, sexism, religious hatred, homophobia, gatekeeping, trolling.
  2. Posts must be related to autism, off-topic discussions happen in the matrix chat.
  3. Your posts must include a text body. It doesn't have to be long, it just needs to be descriptive.
  4. Do not request donations.
  5. Be respectful in discussions.
  6. Do not post misinformation.
  7. Mark NSFW content accordingly.
  8. Do not promote Autism Speaks.
  9. General Lemmy World rules.


  1. Open acceptance of all autism levels as a respectable neurotype.
  2. Funny memes.
  3. Respectful venting.
  4. Describe posts of pictures/memes using text in the body for our visually impaired users.
  5. Welcoming and accepting attitudes.
  6. Questions regarding autism.
  7. Questions on confusing situations.
  8. Seeking and sharing support.
  9. Engagement in our community's values.
  10. Expressing a difference of opinion without directly insulting another user.
  11. Please report questionable posts and let the mods deal with it. Chat Room

Helpful Resources

Relevant Communities




Mental Health:




^^ ^will^ ^happily^ ^promote^ ^other^ ^ND^ ^communities^ ^as^ ^long^ ^as^ ^said^ ^communities^ ^demonstrate^ ^that^ ^they^ ^share^ ^our^ ^community's^ ^values.^

Lemmy World Donations

The admins of our instance work hard to ensure that we have a good place to host our community. They are also helpful at protecting our community from trolls and other malicious actors. They do this for free, so if you appreciate our community, please consider donating to them. The first link is the preferred method, but both work.

founded 1 year ago
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by BackOnMyBS to c/autism


In the past year since this community was founded, we have seen impressive growth, engagement, and support within this community. Based on the content of what we have seen, we created an instance just for us founded on the principle of autism acceptance. The point is to have our place tailored to where we could freely be our autistic selves. While of course, we will federate with the other Fediverse instances that match our values, the purpose of the instance is to be able to create communities that are not solely limited to directly discussing autism, but to allow us to discuss all sorts of interesting topics in an way that is comfortable to us.

  • Want to have a community solely for memes about autism without worrying if it will clog up the one autism community on Come over and make that community.

  • Have an obsession with the Battle of Stalingrad and want to drop some good info dumps from time to time? Make a community for that.

  • Do you have trouble with social situations and want to run them by others without being ridiculed by bullies? We can make a community for that too.

  • Don't want to only interact with autistic people? We're federated into the Lemmyverse, so you can subscribe to communities in other instances as well.

Come on over and feel free to sign up! Eventually, we hope to expand to other Fediverse services/software to provide a more comprehensive place.

Of note: we just started the instance, so it is possible that we will have some technical issues come up. If we do or you notice anything, please let us know in our chat. We would be happy to address it.

What will happen to [email protected]?

We will continue to maintain this community. We will make a post if we foresee any major changes to this community to allow users to prepare beforehand, so there is no need to worry. Nothing is expected to change here anytime soon.

We hope you find the new instance welcoming and decide to be a part of it.

Edit: A link to our instance community for ease follows thanks to this comment's advice: [email protected]

top 13 comments
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[–] [email protected] 26 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Yaaaaas! This is what the Fediverse is all about! Niche websites that broadcast to the whole web, not big central hubs that don't need to broadcast at all.

List the LAP communities in the sidebar we can easily find them from our home instances, if you could.

[–] BackOnMyBS 12 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you! We're really excited. I've added the main instance community to the sidebar here. However, since we're so new, there aren't really any communities. Waiting on users to sign up and start making it a place of their own. However, I do plan on making some communities when I get a chance.

[–] Window_Error_Noises 17 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My brain originally interpreted this as .palace, not .place, and I think I discovered our house's true name. C'mon, honey, to the Autism Palace! 🏰

(Also, this is awesome!)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It's not too late to make an autism palace.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm fully on board. Can you imagine the basement full of model trains if we had a whole palace?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

No, I'm thinking about the garage/warehouse full of bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc.

[–] shiroininja 14 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I’m totally joining this tonight. Between this and I can finally leave generic

[–] BackOnMyBS 8 points 2 weeks ago


[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

I love the idea and hope it will work out great, so of course I'll join. I also have some niggling doubts but they may not be logically well founded. It certainly worth trying.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I’m currently fairly attached to my instance, but I’m so glad this is happening!! Might make a second account just to give y’all the numbers!

[–] BackOnMyBS 4 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you! Maybe also come by every once in a while to see if we have any cool new communities pop up that you would like to subscribe to as we grow :)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

That's really great, and I'll be looking forward to some of the interesting communities that will come from this.