In her first interview after being fired from The Hill, Briahna Joy Gray sits down with the co-hosts of the Due Dissidents podcast, Keaton Weiss & Russell Dobular, to discuss the long trajectory of attacks from Zionist Representative Ritchie Torres and others that led to her dismissal for pro-Palestine speech. This censorship has been a long time coming, and the attacks have escalated since Briahna attended a "Dissident Dialogue" conference early last month, which was clipped and circulated about a week before her ouster in a failed attempt at getting her canceled. Russell attended that conference, and gives a first hand account of his experience from the audience, and from subsequent interviews with the staff that put together the event. This is a comprehensive, raw account of what happened, recorded within 24 hours of Briahna receiving the news she'd been canceled. This wasn't about an eye roll.