Immortals Fenyx Rising
I would never think to describe that game as Zelda-like. Because you can climb things?? Why not call it Assassin's Creed-like at that point?
Immortals Fenyx Rising
I would never think to describe that game as Zelda-like. Because you can climb things?? Why not call it Assassin's Creed-like at that point?
For clarity, they are referring to the Prey that came out in 2017, not the one from 2006, which is the one that I personally like. They are completely different games.
I didn't realize that Netflix actually bought the studio. I just thought they licensed the game or something.
This is my biggest problem. I don't like the real-time combat. When I originally played the demo of part one of the remake and discovered it was real-time combat, I went into the settings to change it to turn-based, only to discover there was no such setting. Stopped playing pretty soon after that.
newly announced Beyond: Two Souls television serie
Acquired by Elliot Page's company, which is apparently "surprising" despite the fact that he was the main character.
Is it a wine bottle opener? Squeezing the handles drives the screw down?
People are going to shit on me for this, but Fallout 76. I spent hundreds of hours playing that, and enjoyed the social aspect. Jumping into activities with other players and getting to see their camp creations and sharing my own was a blast.
I don't have TikTok. Anyone here have it and can confirm this themselves?
we need a real threat first. Not one of two places but several across local and national.
*gestures broadly*
*new parties. Plural.
Honestly, I forgot about the puzzles in Fenix Rising. All I can remember was Zeus not shutting the fuck up. Apparently they eventually released an update that allows you to tune that down. Honestly, it wasn't a bad game. It wasn't a great game either.