I read this! Have been playing for a few weeks now that I finished FO4.
Fallout 76
- Bethesda Server Status
- Fallout 76 @ Fallout Wiki
- Fallout 76 Timed Challenges
- Mappalachia
- Where to Farm: All the Things
- Fallout 76 Plan & Mod Database
- Nukes & Dragons
- The DuchessFlame Guides
- Nuka Knights
- Events Google Calendar
How are you enjoying it so far?? Especially compared to 4. In my honest opinion, 76 blows 4 out of the water.
I liked the settlements in 4 but hated defending them. I liked the large map and locations. I never felt particularly poor late game. I'm 76 I've beaten nearly all quests and with the daily caps on earning caps and other currencies I feel like it's going to be a while to get everything I want.
I love the mutations in 76 though really marsupial and bird bones are tops for gameplay impact. I like that even though I'm far along in the story line that I still feel pretty weak overall compared to some players. There is a lot left to learn and craft
Interesting, I've played all the other Fallout games and just skipped 76 because I don't like online gaming. It breaks the realism for me to see characters teabagging etc.
Realism? Or immersion?
Yeah immersion might be a better word.
I can understand that, you kinda gotta enjoy the genre of MMO-lites I think. It's vastly different from the other games but I think that's okay, also teabagging is non-existent but I do get what you mean, there are goofy emotes and whatnot.
Makes sense, maybe I should try them again sometime.
I'm guessing we'll get another Fallout game soon since they made the TV show.
I'd be interested, granted I still peruse the subreddit at work but its filled with normal "ermahgawd this game isn't terrible?" (to be expected though with success of the show and reddit kind of being a household name now) posts and normal trite fo76 subreddit drama, so would like to see something worth while.
I still have to do a research paper effort to find what makes a viable build, what isn't broken etc...
I've been permabanned from Reddit so I don't have the ability to comment on the subreddit. I still browse it but it seems to be, yeah, the same few topics regurgitated over and over. Would just be nice to see at least a small community here, show that Reddit doesn't need to be the main discussion hub for everything. Also I can give you tips on generally what to do build wise if you'd like. I'm no hardcore player but I've got the gist of it down and know what works and what doesn't.
Agreed. Day 1 player here (though did miss first few seasons taking a break) so I def know buildsish, granted (finally) experimenting with bloodied, mainly tips/tricks for that, just meant finding out a bit of min/max or rather what does or doesn't work bugs wise and such have to super sift through the mess to discover. You'd think it'd be to find straight forward information.
No bots here, though?
I mean specifically the bot that does the daily update. At least, I assume it's a bot?
I'm not a bot, at least according to my profile.
Oh wow my bad, I didn't realize. I just assumed, whoops