it happens, its ok. Play what you want, when you want, how you want.
~~also there is something wrong with this event challenge and it is not updating~~
it is checking for the other 2 event challenges to be complete. So its working correctly.
Complete Trick or Treat and Give Out Candy Weekly Challenges (x2)
Triple score was only 1 day. :(
Mutated public events starts on Thursday.
Use your free rerollers for the chance at an epic challenge for extra S.C.O.R.E.
that unrerollable challenge is getting old.
oof, 3 rerolls
sorry not that i know of
~~if you have the Atoms you can request the Secret Service Camo Bundle from the atomic shop support site.~~
edit: SS is not Chinese Stealth
burning another reroller.
that XP one would be fine if it gave 250 SCORE
thank todd for free rerollers.
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Not dumb, you’re right. I the script I use to generate the post had a problem. Minerva at least should be correct.