Amazing collection!
When did you start acquiring?
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Amazing collection!
When did you start acquiring?
Thanks! I bought my first Game Boy in 1990 and have been in love with it ever since. Consoles came and went but all I pretty much every bought games for and played was the Game Boy. I started collecting more over the past few years, any games that I missed out on and especially some hidden gems from Japan.
I had the biggest brain fart trying to find the order hahaha
That collection is siiiiick! What's in the homebrew section?? O:
Haha I didn't think about that! Yeah, left to right, front to back. :)
Please see my other comment about the homebrew games!
I'm curious what's under Homebrew :D
I'm very picky about which homebrew games I get. Also, I only buy cartridges authorized by the game developer themselves. :)
I WISH I could get Sam Mallard on cartridge, also by snorpung, but there's no official copies for sale. Really, anything by snorpung and nordloef (composer) is going to be top notch. :)
Whoa, that's a nice collection. I checked out Dangan GB... dang, that's impressive. I need to play it one day. Also congrats on making your own game, assembly makes my head hurt 😅
FYI snorpung releases all of his game ROMs free to play. :)
And thanks! It was slow going, but there's something about being SO CLOSE to the hardware that just feels really good.
damn that’s super impressive collection
Thanks! Do you have a favorite game? :)