I played around with some numbers, and it seems a lot of my concerns about RMDs are completely unfounded.
I've had a very basic Social Security and ACA calculator in my spreadsheet for a couple years now, but I think I was doing the math all wrong with inflation (nominal investment returns, and today's tax, ACA, etc limits), so I'll end up with plenty of time to convert my pretax accounts to Roth. I was concerned that I'd need to balance ACA reported income to optimize health care costs and converting enough pretax to not pay a ton when I take Social Security.
So I put everything together using today's dollars and simulated what a withdrawal strategy would look like, and I'll probably be more concerned with rationing my pretax space to not have to deal with Medicaid, rather than not being able to convert enough. It's amazing what a few percent in the wrong places can do!
Anyway, what simulations do you do? Are there any simulations you'd like to do, but don't know where to start?