Booked the inca trail to machu pichu for later this year. Really living it up here in the boring middle!
Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.
I did do some market timing today by contributing the last $200 to max out my IRA. I was waiting for my next paycheck in 2 weeks, but decided to finish it off after I saw the market drop for the day. We shall see if I made a good choice in the coming days.
Overall, I have a comfortable e-fund and enough years to retirement that the volatility isn't a big concern. I mostly check out of curiosity.
It hurts itself in its confusion
Just got informed I'm getting a bonus this year. It's <30% of the normal target. I guess I should be thankful to get anything given half of the company just got cut. For some reason, I'm irritated that it's a fraction of what I normally get, even though it'll all just go into savings.
Every little bit to push me closer to not needing to deal with this garbage anymore.
I download books from my library to my kindle. It goes through Amazon though, so I assume I am also impacted by this BS.
You should be fine re: the wash rule. Just remember it's 30 days before and after the sale (so make sure if you bought any of that security 30 days before you sold, you have to have sold that lot as well).
Got home from being out of town and my personal laptop is broken. It seems either to be a dead motherboard or dead hard disks? Not really a computer person and mostly used Gemini to even get that close to understanding what was going on. It is probably ~4.5 - 5 years old so I'm guessing it's about time for a replacement.
Any one have suggestions for a decent laptop? I mostly use it for web browsing/streaming. I do also use it to process photos after vacations. Not trying to break the bank while still getting a decent product with a hopefully better lifespan.
Wondering if I'm being penny wise, pound foolish here.
Just took a 9 hour drive to another state. Route 1 has a portion of the road that is a $6 toll. Route 2 detours around the toll, but adds 20 min of drive time. I went with route 2, but am wondering what others might say.
So happy to see our tax return from the IRS pending in our checking account. With all the craziness of the past month, I had a small concern about our money coming through.
Also seriously considering divesting from my paper savings bonds. I've been slowly cashing them out as they reach maturity, but I'm not convinced the current administration won't default on their payments given the verbage around some loans not being valid.
I just need to shout this into the void:
Fuck this fucking bullshit. What the hell is wrong with this country. I fucking hate this timeline.
I don't think I would sweat a few days either way. I'd just automate to sell on payday (or whenever makes the most sense for you) and if you're out a few hundred dollars from the market for a few days, it won't even be noticeable in the long run.
This week my credit union announced they will start depositing paychecks/social security up to 2 days early. Imagine my surprise when I logged in today and saw my paycheck already deposited!
Unfortunately, this is only my joint account and my primary bank where I make my investment purchases through doesn't even show the paycheck as pending. I might consider switching my direct deposit entirely to this company, so I can buy my index funds 2 days earlier...