That's not the actual painting
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But it is really close, which is the joke.
Is it so? I mean really close?
Yes, it's a painting of a... dog
just for reference...
I still see a dog but this time with its tongue out and a big black nose.
Ruined forever
The others on the pier don't seem to concerned about anything..
Looks more like this painting should have been called, "The 'Oh shit, I think I left my wallet on the bench back there'."
They could be looking the other way, but I always understood the scream to be internally anyway. Maybe due to existential crisis... or due to a forgotten wallet.
Maybe they stepped in dog shit and now they feel like a dog... I'm getting flashbacks to the torture that was school... maybe that's the point of the scream... AAAHHH
Interesting note: Some think the red sky was what Much actually saw. Krakatoa had exploded 10-years earlier and the skies were still red.
10 years of bloodred sky seem like an appropriate reason to scream
Now i can only see the dog noooo
Well, they did edit the image to make it look more like a dog.
I hadnt seen the original in a while and actually thought it looked like this.
That's why they can only see the dog, duh!
As others have said, this is a doctored version of the painting.
It’s dogtored alright!
Get out
Title suggestion: 'The Bark' or 'The Woof'
*I changed my mind. Neither of those. Instead - 'The Howl'. Works for both!