Hades 2!
The Lemmy.zip Gaming Community
For news, discussions and memes!
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- Respectful Communication: We strive for positive, constructive dialogue and encourage all members to engage with one another in a courteous and understanding manner.
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If you enjoy reading legal stuff, you can check it all out at legal.lemmy.zip.
Delta emulator really helped boost my retro gaming so I’m playing through Pokémon Silver for the umpteenth time. What’s striking me on this playthrough is how good the soundtrack is.
Playing Fallout 4 and it will keep me occupied for upcoming weeks.
Just found out Factorio is out on console, so I'll be addicted to that for the foreseeable future.
SSX Tricky for the GameCube, on my Wii while in bed with food poisoning.
When I'm better, I'll be back at my PC to play abiotic factor.
I'm giving Moonlighter a 2nd chance and enjoying it.
I found out there were a lot of Digimon games that I can run on my hacked 3ds. I'm starting on Digimon world SD and I love that I can run a squad of bad guys from my childhood.
If anyone has some tips for it I'd love to hear, seems like guides for a 2006 game from an unloved 90's franchise are kind of hard to find.
Bus simulator 21. Just started it this weekend and I’m addicted