this post was submitted on 09 May 2024
53 points (94.9% liked)

AI Generated Images

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Community for AI image generation. Any models are allowed. Creativity is valuable! It is recommended to post the model used for reference, but not a rule.

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founded 1 year ago

Prompt: A cyberpunk scifi painting of a floating city in the air above the sea

It uses a new, fancier, 18GB text encoder (t5) to follow the prompt much more closely. It isn't perfect, but its much better than SDXL in my opinion. It does seem to be a bit worse at photorealistic subjects and has a tendency to create 1-pixel vertical lines.

Some other images:

impressionist, a woman sits in the middle of a crowded cyberpunk street, people bustling around, orange and blue glowing signs, warm atmosphere

a bright cinematic photo of a solarpunk city at midday, skyscrapers, steel, glass, vines and fields of vivid tropical plants

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

These are really great pics