Oh yeah let's just have another pandemic. No biggie.
Earthling Liberation notes
We live in ~~a society~~ an ecosphere.
- not a place for debate
- lurk all you want
- make your own
and crosspost if you are displeased with the rules
No system but the ecosystem
What does that even mean?
Here's an aspect: https://www.radicalphilosophy.com/article/nature-in-the-limits-to-capital-and-vice-versa
Enough of us have learned nothing from history, therefore we're all doomed to repeat it.
It's so fucking aggravating. People are back to going to work while sick. People aren't washing their hands or sanitizing. People are coughing and sneezing into their hands. I just don't get it. These fucks did nothing but whine about lockdowns and masks and vaccines, and they're acting like they can't wait to get right back to it.
“Don’t come on my farm and make sure we don’t have a pandemic, because you may find the next pandemic is in my Bessie, and you will take my cheap, undocumented workers from me!”
So, in short: The farmers don't want to be found out on crimes and shortcomings?
They'll be sorry when the chickens come home to roost and end up lose their entire flock.