I still use one from the first phone I had which needed this crap. So I have 3 of them in total. Actually, 4, I've got one extra in a screwdriver set.
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Leatherman bracelet has one built in so I don't even need those
I keep one on my necklace, its constantly reminding me that its still there
It's in the electronics box buried under a PS3, two 18 year old laptops, a graphics card that was obsolete 12 years ago, a hard drive I salvaged from an old DVR, and the bags and bags of Ethernet/coax/mini-USB/Sansa MP3 player cables, and the steam link
Bent paperclip works too.
Safety pin is the way to go .
I use a pushpin, because they're what's on hand.
How is it responsible to waste your life taking steps to keep track of worthless little objects of that size? If you need a thin poker use one of the many every day objects that takes the form of or includes a thin poker.
waste your life
Struck a nerve, did they?
i have one on my key ring :D
I probably threw mine out.
I never use it so what the fuck do I care.
I think I have two of them.
Always carry one with me in my big bag.
I have a bit set with one in it. Well, at least one that looks like it's meant to be this. It works though.
The "reset button" pusher. Hehe.
LPT: if you have a case on your phone, put it inside the case (between the case and phone) and you'll always have it when you need it
I do the same and never had any scratches if the case fits snugly.