It's not the only lore mixup they've done. Just wait till you get to timeline
All things about Fallout series.
Haven't watched it yet (actually plan on starting it in 5 min) but there's been retcons before like pre war jet. The more lore we get the more writers have to remember.
Myron says he invented it but a high intelligence Chosen One can call him out. It's not so much a retcon as much as a confirmation the kid was full of it.
Devs confirmed he did it on a live stream
Yeah any seemingly throw away line can have massive ramifications.
Look at Chicago for example
"The Brotherhood has been battling Super Mutants for decades. First out West, then in Chicago. Now here. But this group of Super Mutants is different, somehow. Physically, yes, but mentally as well. If we knew where they came from, we'd know why."
"The West Coast, unless something has changed. There's been no contact with them for the last several years. There's also a small detachment in Chicago, but they're off the radar. Gone rogue. Long story."
"Subject E: Diagnosis complete. Begin Recording. My name is Whitley. I'm a researcher at Adams Air Force base. Until recently I was in charge of the Duraframe reinforcement project for the combat model Eyebots. Eyebot Duraframe Subject E is both the prototype, and the last functional model in this test group. I was prepared to make several significant upgrades to the machines. However, as the project was canceled and all Duraframe assets are being diverted to Hellfire Armor, I am sending this model to the Navarro outpost. If you are listening to this log from one of our Enclave Outposts in Chicago, give this unit whatever repairs it needs so it can continue to Navarro."
This Fallout 3/NV dialogue setups up Chicago for the Enclave, Super Mutants, and the Brotherhood of Steel being there. It also says that sect of the Brotherhood of Steel have gone rogue. A total wildcard based off of one piece of dialogue.
That’s really just an acknowledgement of Fallout Tactics rather than pulled out of nowhere.
Yeah but them acknowledging it brings part of it into the canon.
It's not like it's a Wild Wasteland moment.
I saw it. I’m hoping that’s the worst of the retcons for this series I’m enjoying it other wise.
I doubt it. Didn't they make a big fuss about opening the outer doors?
I feel like it's a plot inconsistency like how how the Master never found the vault despite it's proximity to the Cathedral
And being in the open. Right there, in the open.
Isn't it by the Santa Monica pier?