Though whether or not he exists is (accidentally) canonically somewhere along the chain of causation that determines whether or not 9/11 happens in the Muppet universe, so there's that
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I'd like a tldr of this canon pls
2002's A Very Muppet Christmas Movie is an "It's a Wonderful Life" style movie where Kermit temporarily wishes himself out of existence and is allowed to observe the resulting timeline. Shots of the Manhattan skyline in the main universe where he exists show no Twin Towers as expected, but in the alternate timeline the towers are clearly visible in the background outside Piggy's window at one point. Accident because the set designers or whoever just didn't notice them in the old still used for that window, but the implication is hilarious
That's epic, thnx!
This guy muppets
Is celibacy still a requirement? Cause I'm pretty sure Kermit fucks.
As has been pointed out elsewhere, I think it is more accurately described as "Kermit porks"
And he can be trusted around children.
Yeah he ain’t tickle me Elmo
I was about to post: And he like children
I was about to post: whenever he hangs out with children, he has a hand up his ass.
100% qualified for becoming pope.
His wife is from an entirely different species. Not sure that's ok. Maybe I'm just being specist.
Brings a whole new meaning to the word "porking the wife"