Same one who made Hawaii's missile warning system.
Lemmy Moderators
A community for moderators of various communities to discuss moderating. Help others and get help yourself! Remember, there are no stupid questions!
If you have general questions or things you want to share about the Fediverse, then head over to [email protected]!
If you want help with making a lemmy bot, then head over to [email protected]!
- Be nice & respectful.
- Posts has to be on topic.
- Follow the general rules.
Lemmy is full of fun decisions
The best part is they're hardly even "decisions" in the technical sense but rather sheer arrogance from the Lemmy maintainers. Lemmy is a completely mismanaged project, and the maintainers are also piece of shit tankies.
Or... the project simply is still not up to par for public use. Many features are more of a proof-of-concept than finished, many more features don't even exist yet. One of those is dm-ing other people for example. Your sent messages are displayed in your inbox.
Use sync for lemmy (Android), we have a unified inbox that manages that nicely, and mitigates most other stupid decisions made by the Lemmy devs.
Lemmy is a completely mismanaged project, and the maintainers are also piece of shit tankies.
...said the slightly hypocritical user who regularly comments. It must be torture for you.
Lemmy...the Tupolev Tu-144 of social media®!
(...) and was asked if I wanted to destroy (...)
Let's hope this doesn't happen to someone when that person is shaky (trembling hands) !
... this deserves to be tested, like :
1- creating a dummy community then,
2- click on this delete Community button and go through with it just to see if there is ...
3- an option to repair the damage and go back.
I’d suggest using an alternative UI. They’re almost all better than the original.
I also like having the edit post choice right next to the delete post choice, especially since there's no confirmation dialogue when selecting delete post.