In your screenshot it seems like the icon for the each extension is quite a bit bigger in 115. That probably causes each row to be taller. When I tried the style you mentioned couple of days back though, the panel size remained the same as it was is 114. As in, I didn't experience this issue with larger icons, but maybe I have missed something.
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~~My icon size didn't change, but I still have your same issue.~~
~~It's annoying as I have a lot of add-ons and that sooo long Unified Extensions Menu is taking half my screen :/~~
~~I've also tried some proposed solutions to your reddit post, without success unfortunately.~~
I just noticed that MrOtherGuy had updated this style for 115 and I was still using the old version, now it appears like it was before to me. Try checking if you have other code that impact this snippet (maybe disable every other code you're using and try only the snippet to see if it works).
I am using hide scrollbars, hide settings icon other than that and it's working fine, which is unusual as my Unified Extension Menu is under some weird tricks.
Thanks for your info "I was still using the old version, now it appears like it was before to me."
I'd already tried hashing-out the only other piece of UE panel code I was using (to shorten the Fireshot extension's stupidly long name in UE panel). I'll now try MrOtherGuy's Fx 115 UE panel code on a clean profile and work back through all my CSS userstyles... must be some curious conflict somewhere else in my CSS if UE panel compacts to same size as Fx 114 for you.
They said a while back that various UI paddings were getting a little plumped to make the UI easier on mobile devices. It's just life, I'm afraid.
Thanks... had a feeling I'd missed some underlying change to the UE panel code/sizing. Thankfully, AFAICS, only the UE panel seems to have been "plumped" so far... other 'compacted' drop-down menus remain unchanged, as in Fx 114.