Awesome! I still have a bunch of them primed, would love to have acess to 3d printer to do some terrain
A fan community for all things BattleTech, Mechwarrior, etc.
It's funny because I originally got a 3d printer specifically for Battletech minis. Then instead I used it for 40k and have printed so much.
Now back to Battletech :)
Those looks great. What kind of resolution are you printing at?
4k screen with 0.05mm layer height. The layer lines are typically not bad, and often get smoothed over by the primer without obscuring other model details.
The prints look great. I’ve painted various levels of quality prints and the 4K ones are absurd how clean they are once everything else is dialed in.
Any plans for these prints in terms of faction colors?
I know there's only one Atlas, but Steiner all the way, baby! I randomly sided with Steiner in Mechwarrior 1 in the 90s and they've been my ride-or-die ever since.
Based Steiner appreciator.
Time to make Battletech Chess with unique sets for the factions.
The question is: Urbies as pawns? Or kings?
Castle seems most obvious to me.