Having been Wiawis prostaff and owning many W&W bows over years, as well as owning a Gillo GT and a Hoyt Xceed - it's all the same, man. Weight distribution varies a little, vibration signatures vary a little, but none of them buy you points.
The plastic inserts on the ATF-DX limb blocks aren't going to save you from anything if you're "stringing the bow wrong." If you're screwing up badly enough to damage the riser, screwing up on top of plastic is not better than screwing up on aluminum. If you somehow do screw up bad enough to damage the blocks, it's just the blocks, not the whole riser. You can replace those blocks on any W&W if you really need to.
Tons of Hoyt prostaff switched to the Xceed when it came out, and now tons are shooting the GMX3. So even Hoyt's most ardent supporters aren't "walking the walk" when it comes to Formula's supposed superiority.