this post was submitted on 01 May 2024
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submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by WindyRebel to c/star_wars

Anyone watch it yet? I am still processing it. I don’t know if I liked it or not.

Thoughts and spoilers hereI was expecting more closure

  • Zillo beast was just in this whole series as a plot point to allow Omega to escape?
  • Rex and his crew had no resolution
  • Time jump with Omega in the Rebellion and literally no mention of her anywhere else?
  • What happened to Cody?
  • Why was Scorch done so dirty as a glorified name drop, he would’ve been covering their rear to make sure no one snuck up on them
  • Nothing about any of Tantiss’s other potential secrets
  • The clones didn’t have resolution. They’re just scattered across Pabu and Pantora?
  • The brain washed/mind controlled clones were cool but ultimately useless and easily defeated after spending all previous encounters handing everyone’s asses to them
  • Bunch of force sensitive kids out now to be discovered by Luke? Hunted by Vader?
  • Assaj was just there to tell us Omega was force sensitive? They could’ve used anyone to reveal this
  • Will Omega show up in Skeleton Crew or the crossover movie/show?

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[–] ShadowCat 7 points 1 month ago

Overall I think it was a very good series. Season 1 was decent, season 2 got really good in the back half and season 3 was very good throughout.

After season 2 did explore more of the "clones after the war" plotline I was hoping for a resolution this season but it is "The Bad Batch" not season 8 of clone wars. I do hope they finish that story though, seems like a single season special could do it but not sure they'd want to do that.

I do like that the brainwashed clones were just regular clones, not like resurrected Tech or someone else we knew. Not everybody needs to be a known character.

Was quite surprised to see the whole batch survive, definitely thought Crosshair would’ve done some self sacrifice to save Omega but a happy ending for once is nice.

Glad Rampart went out like that, we didn't need another redemption arc for an Imperial. And Hemlok got what he deserved.

Overall I think it wrapped up the series nicely, there are a few unanswered questions but hopefully they will be addressed in other upcoming media.