this post was submitted on 30 Apr 2024
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[–] Buddahriffic 12 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I agree that the villain needed more development. I enjoyed the movie overall because I've become ok with filling in blanks like that, but the villain's arc was very disjointed, including the part about needing to be told... well, if you've seen it, you know what he needed to be told, so I'll leave it at that to avoid spoiling.

And I agree that Hemsworth did great in the movie. And even if he was goofing around too much during filming, that would still be more on the director, editor, and producer for deciding what went into the final cut.

But yeah, the worst part IMO was having one guy go from dying in a desert to finding a magic sword and suddenly he's one of the most powerful beings in existence. Did he have skills from before he was stuck in the desert? Did the sword give him knowledge? Does it steal powers/experiences from the gods it slays?

There's other problems with it, mostly in the same vein.

[–] morphballganon 8 points 8 months ago

Thor's lines about how they don't eat children anymore, and later when he scolds Love for ruining a brand-new skillet are possibly the two best lines in the movie