‘I’m not buying new stuff any more’: the young people getting into ‘degrowth’
Discussions about degrowth and all sorts of related topics. This includes UBI, economic democracy, the economics of green technologies, enviromental legislation and many more intressting economic topics.
Man it just gets dumber the more times I read what you said. I hope you’re at least self aware enough that you don’t consider yourself an intellectual on any level.
Maybe I'd feel differently if I'd read their comment (they deleted it), but that seems a touch harsh. By their comments they don't seem like a bad person. Maybe it's just because we're from the same instance, and I'm not especially smart
It’s not deleted from where I am.
Regurgitating for your enjoyment:
Thanks. That's short-sighted and gross. This very much goes against the solarpunk aesthetic
Why? Most people are not intellectuals. Lord knows I’m not. But way too many people consider themselves above the curve for intelligence and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with pointing that out.
Then I misunderstood. I thought you meant it as a put down.
Yes, not many of us are intellectuals, it's true. I still prefer to assume goodwill or a bad day from posters that otherwise seem pretty cool. Treat it as a learning opportunity kind of thing.