this post was submitted on 23 Apr 2024
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[–] Psythik 7 points 2 months ago

That said, I just fired up the game yesterday for the first time since launch and was surprised by how much progress was being made. I was surprised to find that mod support is already available; I thought it was still a work in progress cause I didn't hear anything about it. You think that Paradox would have been making a huge announcement about it since it's a huge important thing, but if they did, I surely can't find it on their website nor on the produce page in Steam.

I was also surprised to find that my performance issues were fixed too. Now getting a solid 40-60 FPS on high settings with a medium-sized city @ 4K. Not bad, given that I usually averaged 20-30 on the same machine in C:S1.

Now all they gotta do is make the economy easier to understand. I still don't get how I can be losing money every month, yet my balance keeps going up. But other than that, all of my complaints with the game have been fixed. If anyone reading this hasn't played the game in several months, I suggest you give it a try again. You might be pleasantly surprised.