this post was submitted on 22 Apr 2024
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The joint drills include simulations of US and Filipino troops recapturing islands as Manila and Beijing contest maritime territory in the South China Sea.

Some 16,700 Filipino and US troops began annual joint military exercises in the Philippines on Monday, amid tensions with China over  Beijing's growing assertiveness in the region.

The exercises, dubbed Balikatan, or "shoulder to shoulder,"  include testing weaponry and equipment.

This year, the drills also include the mock retaking of "occupied" islands in the South China Sea.

In recent months, China and the Philippines have been at odds over territorial disputes in the South China Sea, with Chinese coast guard vessels frequently harassing Philippine boats with water cannons.

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[–] MicroWave 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I don’t think so. There are other important parts in the article:

For the first time, the annual event will also involve troops from the Australian and French military. Fourteen other countries in Asia and Europe will attend as observers. The exercises will run until May 10.

The 2024 exercises are also the first to take place outside of Philippine territorial waters

"Some of the exercises will take place in the South China Sea in an area outside of the Philippines' territorial sea. It's a direct challenge to China's expansive claims" in the region, Philippine political analyst Richard Heydarian told DW.

He added that some of the exercises this year will also be close to Taiwan.

This year's exercises have a "dual orientation pushing against China's aggressive intentions both in the South China Sea but also in Taiwan," he added.

[–] FlyingSquid -4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yes, military exercises are different every year.

The bear is also poked every year.

Edit: If you don't think this is an annual media scare event, this is the one from last year: