this post was submitted on 09 Dec 2023
53 points (88.4% liked)

Cyberpunk 2077

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Don’t got not other social to complain on so here I am: I really am hating the on-foot radio. I honestly find most of the radio music in the game to be kinda annoying and I’m really annoyed that I have to manually turn it off now every single time I exit a vehicle. I like it when driving, I like it when its on a physical diegetic source in the game (like when there’s a radio turned on on a table in a scav den) but now having to just have the radio all or nothing is honestly just annoying. I wish they had implemented a way to toggle this option in the game settings (if there is and I haven’t found it PLEASE let me know).

anyone else feeling this way? I am honestly kinda confused that this was an addition. I’d think car customization was a bigger community ask than “having a constant stream of generally annoying music” was big on the list.

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[–] p5yk0t1km1r4ge 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'll never understand takes like this. It's literally just one button and takes a fraction of a second to turn off. Its cool you think it's bad, but I like it.