this post was submitted on 12 Apr 2024
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Chevron 7
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They focused too much on interpersonal drama
The tone of the show was too dark for Stargate franchise
Nothing that happened in the show had much importance to the Universe as a whole
No overarching enemies of interest
I'm rewatching the series right now and wow - those Kino interviews add almost nothing. After skipping those and half the scenes with Chloe, the episodes are hardly 20 minutes long.
The other issue (in addition to what you put) is that nothing of real consequence happens despite the darker tones. Pretty much every time something 'bad' happens, there's a solution - And usually pretty uninspired. The really bad one imo was when Eli and gang got stuck off world due to the mine collapse.
The only drama in the show I think I actually enjoyed was Rush v Young.
Especially after how great the "Stuck in a hole" episode in SG:Atlantis was.
For me the soap opera like focus on drama ruined the show. I really liked SG1 and the first 3 seasons of Atlantis.
Yea, the first season was a total write off, and I felt like it was picking up steam in the second, but it was too little, too late.