this post was submitted on 22 Mar 2024
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[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)


The key gambling system 100% impacted the community, who are the ones to provide gameplay to each other in these games.

All previous Counter-Strike game had a 100% level playing field— all players had access to the same gear and visuals. This equity was very important to gameplay by keeping it competitive, specifically being able to recognize weapons and enemies easily.

CS:GO took a sharp turn with this, effectively ending equity in the game. Not only did you have to spend money if you wanted you or your gear to look like others, but it also made it much more difficult to recognize enemies and gear people were carrying unless you more carefully inspected them. Bits sticking out around corners became much more difficult to recognize.

There is likely much more impact to the game and its development on various levels, but this is a clear example of a negative impact of microtransactions being introduced.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

And in TF2, where disabling skins is a console command away? Frankly surprised there’s no similar option in GO/2.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

In TF2, players cannot completely disable the hats. It takes a server operator employing mods or plugins to disable them. The equity was there. It ended with CS:GO.

As well, even if a player could opt out of seeing them, it doesn’t change the fact that the game was built around the gambling and still impacts other players you interact with.

There are some non-competitive games I think handle cosmetic-only micro transactions well (ex: Last Epoch). But I don’t try to fool myself that it doesn’t impact development or gameplay.