this post was submitted on 22 Mar 2024
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Looking at the charging preferences of the Steam Deck, which from my research wants 45W at 15v/3A, it looks like the larger model should work just fine. And with it being $15 USD / $18 CAD this could be an incredible bargain.

It's so new though I can't find any info on it being used with a Steam Deck. I'll definitely be grabbing one to try, as it would be perfect for my USB hub that sits by the TV.

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[–] [email protected] -3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That "10W for the screen" includes them all.


once the battery is fully charged the Deck can power itself directly from the charger, and at full tilt, it's about 25 watts


they are pretty much drops in the bucket.


[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

That “10W for the screen” includes them all.


Taken straight from the LCD deck in front of me: With the screen as dim as possible sitting in the home menu, the total power usage of the deck is 4.9 Watts. The GPU is drawing 0.3 Watts. The CPU is drawing 0.3 Watts.
With the screen brightness turned to full but the deck idle, the power draw goes to 7.1 Watts, but the screen stops updating the image after 10 seconds. CPU & GPU are both still at 0.3 watts.
Jiggling the stick every few seconds to keep the screen on, the power draw goes to 9.6 Watts. CPU & GPU are still 0.3W each.

Result: The "rest" of the Steam Deck, minus SSD and cooling fan activity at full screen brightness, uses 9 Watts, at least 4.7 Watts of it being the screen and backlight alone, though I was not able to test how much the draw would be if the screen could be turned completely off, as that isn't possible in SteamOS.

15W + 9W is 24W, we are a watt shy of 25W.