this post was submitted on 19 Mar 2024
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Godot web socket client is not receiving anymore updates from Revolt web socket server ( after first data is received

first data is an Authentication success message:

  "type": "Authenticated"

This success message comes when a successful token is received.

Since there are no updates and you cannot send any data after initial connection (data_received never called again, so put_packet() not working apparently), the token will have to be in query parameters:


in order to even receive that success message.

An issue relating to web sockets was opened:

The user claims that one of the headers causes the connection to cease.

The problem header is Connection: close, Upgrade

    GET / HTTP/1.1
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Upgrade: websocket
    Connection: close, Upgrade
    Sec-WebSocket-Key: HKWU1xOVV6PP6HXjcIWMDQ==
    Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

    HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake
    Connection: Upgrade
    Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 19:09:01 GMT
    Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 0IHc3riAKJz52YmkLVcWrDHvaYs=
    Server: Kaazing Gateway
    Upgrade: websocket


What SHOULD happen and what happens on other clients like websocketking, piehost, or this one is receiving a READY update

the big issue:

connect_to_url() is the only thing that sends data or the connection closes or a protocol error

It would be of great help if anyone could give any little piece of knowledge or suggestion on this. code

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[–] MarshReaper 3 points 10 months ago


I posted this before testing out an older version of godot and it seems to work just great! But as in the github issue, that is because of changes with how the protocols worked and what headers are sent!

Here is the code for use in Godot 3.1.1:

extends Node

var _client =

func _ready():
	_client.connect("connection_closed", self, "ws_closed")
	_client.connect("connection_error", self, "ws_connection_error")
	_client.connect("connection_established", self, "ws_connection_established")
	_client.connect("server_close_request", self, "ws_close_request")

func ws_closed(clean):
	if !clean:
		print("websocket closed")
		print("websocket closed cleanly")

func ws_connection_error():
	print("websocket connection failed")

func ws_connection_established(protocol):
	print("we're connected using protocol: ", protocol)

func ws_close_request(code, reason):
	print("closed with code: ", code, " and reason: ", reason)

func _process(delta):
	if _client.get_connection_status() == WebSocketClient.CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED: