this post was submitted on 10 Mar 2024
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If that was the reason, they still could have had the majority of the Galaxy speak a common language that was not English. In fact, that wouldn't even need to be a concession to practically. For the most part, they were operating within a well established transportation network and empire. Even uf planets had their own local languages; it makes sense that there would be a Lingua Franca that a significant portion of people living near the gates understand.
That still means that probably half of the runtime of the show would be done in a con-lang variant of ancient Egyptian; which probably wouldn't fly in an English speaking market not used to subtitles.
Surely 80-90% of Daniel’s job is teaching languages to the other teams. Especially after Children of the Gods when they discover that the whole network is run by the Goa’uld/Jaffa.
Rather than subtitles, after establishing there was a common language, they could just have shifted to English, like they did. They could then lampshade it later. Have someone new walk in, only to find them all talking in galactic. O'Neil apologising, then shifting back to English, when talking to a new politician or diplomat, could have been some amusing character building.
The plot hole is filled (they are all talking galactic standard) while the viewer are happy (since it actually in English).