this post was submitted on 12 Feb 2024
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So I just discovered that I have been working next to the waste of oxygen that raped my best friend several years ago. I work in a manufacturing environment and I know that you can't fire someone just for being a sex offender unless it directly interferes with work duties (in the US). But despite it being a primarily male workforce he does work with several women who have no idea what he is. He literally followed a woman home, broke into her house, and raped her. Him working here puts every female employee at risk. How is that not an unsafe working environment? How is it at even legal to employ him anywhere where he will have contact with women?

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[–] puppy 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

They imprison or preferably execute the rapist, to guarantee they cannot hurt members of the community anymore

It does matter because you brought it up, this is what you said, word for word. Do you hope your proposed legal framework to be implemented at any point in time and therefore willing to give it some serious thought or are you just venting?

[–] pinkdrunkenelephants -2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

It doesn't matter because the only reason I even replied was because I didn't realize you were purposefully derailing the thread to push an agenda, and using OP and his serious, personal situation to do it.

You and your goons have said, all over the thread, the most vile, disgusting, anti-woman shit, because the truth is you condone rape and don't want to see other males suffer for it. It didn't occur to you that you could suffer such a thing and have no recourse. You clearly dismiss the extreme moral crime of expecting a victim's friend and potential victims to suffer under circumstances like that -- of course, everyone else in that place can just go find another job, right? Rapists have the right to work wherever they want but not good, normal people. The world revolves around you and your ilk, after all.

You're quite simply a rape apologist. There's no way around it. And so are the mods of this sub apparently.

[–] puppy 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

You parrot the same thing over and over again without answering any of questions directed to you. I was asking about innocent people, not rapists. You want to execute rapists, sure fine. What about the wrongly convicted? You haven't even spared sentence for them amongst all your ramblings. If you are serious about seeing what you're preaching implemented, the wrongly convicted has to be addressed. If you are not going to accept that your ramblings are just that. Ramblings.