submitted 3 months ago by STRIKINGdebate2 to c/aboringdystopia
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[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

There's a few problems with this. Two I can identify right off the bat:

  1. Just because you're passionate about something doesn't mean you're good at it. I don't want the William Hung of medicine doing my surgery.

  2. By artificially limiting the supply of doctors you are increasing demand and salaries (I agree this seems morally wrong a priori/prima facie, especially for something like health care that is a public good). However when the salaries drop then you reduce incentive for smart people going into the field, which has already been happening in medicine for decades. The top of the class that would've become the brilliant physician in the 20th century is your 21st century finance bro. AKA brain drain. (See also point 1.)

I do agree that it is wrong for people to be unable to pursue careers due to the misfortune of their station of birth. I don't know how to fix it other than funding public education.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

Also, there are mechanisms in place(assuming this is an American post). I know because I'm taking advantage of them.

I'm poor, at a respected university, and about graduate with a Bachelors. Might have spent 3k overall on school. Pell Grant was amazing.

Aint a perfect system, but still works a lot of the time

[-] Matumb0 4 points 3 months ago

Jup it is just an American/British thing that you can only study if you have the money. In Germany it is all about your grades and even then you can just wait until you study medicine. Also there are Stipendia, if you are really good and passionate.

this post was submitted on 11 Feb 2024
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