submitted 3 months ago by STRIKINGdebate2 to c/aboringdystopia
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[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

This is way more the problem than people missing out on going to medical school when they really wanted to.

Most people who are in the United States and want to go to a high paying career, can take out student loans and achieve something close, assuming good grades. Not that there aren't problems with that scenario, but everyone wants kids to get high paying jobs, society is organized around helping those kids.

Meanwhile, some people would be great authors or philosophers or artists if they didn't have to spend time making the money to survive. Those are valid goals that are being oppressed by the system.

And in the same way the global system is oppressing billions of people who are born as the rural poor and just not able to do much beyond subsistence farming.

this post was submitted on 11 Feb 2024
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