this post was submitted on 17 Jan 2024
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Not that I want to defend Ubisoft, but I interpreted that statement similarly to this one, just from a different perspective.
Ubisoft wants to do the subscription model but the exec said it's just not viable until gamers are willing to accept it. I didn't get an implication that they would make gamers accept it, I think that's what he was ultimately saying, it won't happen until they do. Though tbf, I didn't read that article, maybe he said more that made the statement less ambiguous. The quote in the title just seemed like a statement of fact rather than a statement of agenda. Ubisoft doesn't have the power to make gamers accept that and acting like they do will hurt their bottom line rather than help it (is how I interpreted that statement).
Stop defending the trash or giving them the benefit of the doubt. Ubisoft is about profit, not making games good, or better or for your enjoyment. They 100% want to push subscription models.
When's the last time a good honest company pulled this kinda horse shit..
Companies need to earn trust, and that trust should be removed the minute the try to pull shit like what's in the video link, or other bullshit.