this post was submitted on 17 Jan 2024
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Man fromsoft has me kinda mad tho. I paid full price for ds1 (prepare to die ed) years ago and had plenty of fun gittn gud (except pvp i was always a scrub).
Im happy with the money i spent and the time i had, BUT!
When they released the newest version which was basically just the qol improvements, 60fps mod, and dsfix rolled into it they had the fuggen gall to try and charge me 20 bucks to upgrade.
Now, i can't show my friends my favorite version because you can't even buy mine. I have a game deliberately ruined for profit reasons in my steam library, and all the hours ive spent on their games and all the fun ive had, all have this black mark now. I keep thinking as i play elden ring, well they do it to this one too? Will this happen to all my fromsoft titles? I don't know, and can no longer as easily recommend them to my friends. Fromsoft cost themselves a lot of goodwill from me, all for a measly 20 bucks.