this post was submitted on 17 Jan 2024
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Spoke to my adult offspring who said yes, he has whatever iteration of PS, but plays single player games, because with work and familial responsibilities, who has money to waste on subscriptions when time is limited?
You also can't step away from a multi-player game whenever you want, which is a huge problem when you have kids and a spouse. Your attention will almost always be needed the moment things heat up in your game.
This is one more thing I like about singleplayer BG3. Even in the middle of a fight I can get up and do whatever.
I learned too late that the menu doesn't actually pause BG3. Turn based mode will pause the world in a bubble around you, but NPCs will still carry on their patrols and conversations outside of that bubble. So don't just open the menu and walk away, thinking you're safe. Put it on turn based mode. I experienced a total party kill because I thought it was paused when we were standing in fire. LOL
Yep. I play one game that’s single player until weekend team tournaments. As soon as I get infinite loves for n time, the phone is ringing and people are on my doorstep.