this post was submitted on 01 Dec 2023
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[–] s38b35M5 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

And isn't that par for the course? Marvel movies have sequels and prequels and a very linear relationship on purpose.

Not sure why the movie with three female leads is the one getting shade for having to watch previous content for it all to make the most sense. Oh, wait...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That is true, but people were more content with watching those prequels when it was only movies. This is the first movie where you actually "had" to watch TV shows. Doctor Strange 2 escaped that problem by ignoring the show.

Of course you are right IMO that this movie would have been criticized anyways and not performed well. IMO they also mis-marketed the movie (probably impacted by the strike). They should have targeted the teenage female audiences way more than they did, do more promotion in that direction.

[–] s38b35M5 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So it was a financial flop? I usually ignore those metrics and go by my own feelings. I liked it. Could have been better, but I wasn't groaning the entire time or wishing it was done differently. I enjoy watching powerful women being awesome, so I had fun. Their learning to work with the power glitch was cool.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

According to Nash, it made $189 million on a $274 million budget so far. If those numbers are true, that's a significant flop.

I liked the movie btw.

[–] s38b35M5 2 points 1 year ago

That does seem low, especially where BP:WF beat that on opening weekend, IIRC.

Too bad. I like this story line and want more, but I suppose I won't get it now...