this post was submitted on 01 Dec 2023
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[–] themeatbridge 30 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It failed because people like me, who have seen the two tv shows and the movie, don't care enough to go to the movies anymore. I have a great TV in my basement and more entertainment than I can hope to consume in a lifetime. The teens that grew up on comics and were excited to see Thor hammer Cap's shield and overcharge Iron Man's armor are now parents with soccer games and PTO meetings. I'll watch it when I can, but I'm not going to hire a sitter and go out of my way to make it happen.

It's not the quality of the movies, although Quantumania had me wondering if they actually care about quality anymore. It's a question of value. Seeing the Avengers in Imax was an experience I couldn't get anywhere else. Teens today have a billion more choices, and far less interest in seeing comic book heroes come to life.

Tell good stories, make good movies, and the audience will come back because it's worth it. But it has to be more than just the next Marvel movie.

[–] acosmichippo 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

all of that, yes. Plus I don't think the MCU is ever going to hit the same heights without Cap, Iron Man, and T'challa.

[–] themeatbridge 3 points 1 year ago

I think they put too many eggs into the Young Avengers basket, but the MCU gets to reboot Mutants and the Fantastic Four, so we could see some excellent casting and writing there. Maybe not, but we could hope.

And with the exception of Chadwick Boseman, may he rest in peace, everyone else can be brought back for the right project. Maybe a mind-tripping Sentry series where we revisit all of the events of previous movies from the perspective of the strongest Avenger everyone (including the audience) forgot.

[–] ChillPenguin 2 points 1 year ago

It's like the marvel effect wore off. And now they actually have to try again. And they're shocked that this happened.