What are some good casual Discord servers for talking to people from all over the world?
Share a story, ask a question, or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process.
Related discussion-focused communities
This one I run.
While also being a casual place with over a few hundred participants and counting, I try to make it serve every function I can think of while not causing it to become authoritarian (it has many rules but that's only because of all the functions, the rules themselves are not that strict and would be befitting of Lemmy cultural attitudes on not being tense) or closed-minded (it allows people of all politics, faith, ethnicities, etc. so as long as they're civil and respect Discord TOS). Anyone here can also promote their own Discord servers (or anything else) in the group if done in relevant categories (the promote category would be where everyone can see it).
I'll give it a try. Thanks!