What are some good casual Discord servers for talking to people from all over the world?
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This is an odd suggestion but you could try learning a constructed language. They're designed to be easy to learn fast and the main benefit for your case is that everyone who learns them wants to speak with people around the world like you do.
Try Esperanto for a full fledged language or toki pona for a super small easy one for fun. Just look them up on youtube or search engine and go down the rabbithole. Lernu is excellent for esperanto and toki pona just do flashcards to memorize all the words (only 120 or so) then go into its discord.
Both have very active discords and people are very willing to talk to practice the language. I know its an out of the box suggestion but its a fun hobby and you can talk to people from tons of countries!
Also of course you could learn a natural language too but thats a much bigger time investment before you can communicate well.
It's not even noon here yet and this is the third comment I've seen today (so far) encouraging new Esperantists. You love to see it.
La fina venko!
Mi ŝatas anasojn!
Ĉiuj ŝatas anasojn! Mi malfeliĉas ke [email protected] mortis 😢
Sounds pretty interesting, gonna have to look into it. Thanks!
As someone who's already learning German, do you know of servers dedicated to that?