Curious how everyone's experience has been playing FF 16 so far. I'm enjoying myself and having fun with the game, but I am having a really hard time understanding all these 9/10 review scores. When the game is firing on all cylinders it’s a total banger, but there are so many issues with this game.
Let’s start with side quests. These are some of the most simple, repetitive, and boring side quests I’ve seen in a while. Almost every single one is a basic fetch or kill quest, and the rewards for completing them are truely awful. Luckily they are completely skippable, and after the first few hours I decided to completely ignore them. Unfortunately this even bleeds over into many main quest sections. A real low point for me was after an insanely epic battle with a key villain in the game, I was tasked with finding a carpenter so another character could build a workshop. We just went from god-tier battle for the fate of the realm to job recruiter in like 10m time.
Exploration is also a real low point. Compare this game to something like Elden Ring or God of War, and this world feels so lifeless. There are no secret dungeons, no memorable NPCs, no sweeping vistas to discover. Nothing. The hunt battles are fun but that’s about it. In general it just feels like exploration has absolutely no pay off. The rewards in general are just poor due to a really bad itemization system and garbage crafting.
Speaking of crafting and items, what is the point? The game is constantly throwing crafting materials at you, but like 95% of the things you can craft are just crap. There are a few key items that felt worthwhile but the vast majority of what you can create is terrible. Sadly the best items you can craft cannot be upgraded either from what I’ve seen so far. The accessory slots are so limited that even when I do get a cool accessory I feel unable to use it many times since I only have 3 slots. This really sucks the fun out of finding new grear or unlocking it at the vendor.
That said, it’s not all bad. The main story is really fun and I love the world. The huge struggle between all these competing factions is right up my alley. The combat is really tight and satisfying, despite my initial struggles to get the hang of it. I like all of the Eikon powers, and appreciate that the ability system makes respeccing so easy since it gives you a chance to try out new playstyles all the time. Oh, and have I mentioned how gorgeous this game is? Without question one of the best looking games so far this generation. And let’s talk about Eikon battles. This is just epicness on top of epicness. You feel like such an absolute badass leading up to and during these key moments in the game, and it’s where things really shine brightest for me.
So how has your time with the game been so far? Do you have some of the same complaints as I do, and what do you enjoy most?
I'm thoroughly enjoying it. The new God of War games are at best 8/10 games for me and I'm enjoying FF16 A LOT more than God of War. There's constant surprises in this game around every corner, there's levels of effort put into so many points of this game that most games don't put in until the final part of the game. Crazy battles. Constantly fighting new enemies, the enemy variety is insane compared to God of War. You steam roll trash mobs which feels good and is one of my biggest annoyances in God of War.
I know I'm comparing it a lot to God of War, because well, that's kind of the genre that it is now. I know that will disappoint a lot of FF fans but I think it makes more sense to judge it against the current PS single player formula than previous FF games.
I actually love the linearity. I'm sick of open world stuff. The side quests are pretty basic at the point I'm at in the game, but a lot of them at least add to the world setting to flesh it out more.