AI Art & Image Generation
A place to share images and art generated by artificial intelligence and similar tools.
All posts must be relevant to image generation with artificial intelligence.
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Recommended Communities:
Check out [email protected] for more AI Images.
Check out [email protected] for discussion about AI tools you can use in your Dungeons & Dragons games.
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I for one am glad that the soon to be AI overlords are more focused on the ability to make great tits over hands.
What's the difficulties with hands anyway? I find it incredible frustrating to get remotely the scene I want and have given up on anything with fingers all together.
Hands can have so many variations of position in 3d space that it makes determining what is within realistic thresholds difficult on a 2d canvas.
Breasts are easy, similar shape, pattern, and position in relation to the body. Lots of training data. Can still get stray nipples and partial or multiple breasts.
Faces are harder, more acceptable variations but still limited configurations and fairly limited positionally. Faces looking up are really difficult due to lack of training data.
Arms and legs are harder again due to having to render multiples and having enormous positional variation.
Hands, lots of moving bits, 20 finger segments that can sit in thousands of configurations, but not all of them are realistic, AI is still learning the proverbial limits.
Also AI can't count, only guess.
I have no clue. It's super odd. My guess is just hands not typically being featured in images?