this post was submitted on 14 Nov 2023
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[–] Goronmon 153 points 7 months ago (46 children)

So, Google is clearly paying lots of money directly to maintain their lead in the search engine market.

Bad look for Apple as well. They say they take privacy seriously, but are selling their user's data to Google, one of the last companies you would want getting your information if you were concerned about privacy.

[–] [email protected] 45 points 7 months ago (3 children)

They say they take privacy seriously, but are selling their user’s data to Google

Only idiots think Apple is privacy friendly lol.

I don't link to news sites, but if you look up Apple Let Contractors Listen To Private Voice Recordings you'll see that in 2019 they were sending voice clips to contractors.

Apple has everyone fooled. They act like they are so privacy focused because they do processing locally on your device instead of in the cloud, which means nothing. Google also has been moving a vast majority of things to local processing on their Pixel devices for years now. Is Google now privacy focused?

[–] [email protected] 25 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Only idiots think Apple is privacy friendly lol.

Apple has everyone fooled.

Apple are privacy-focused insofar as they will privately sell your data, sneakily.

[–] interceder270 6 points 7 months ago

They had a big billboard in LA that said "Apple knows privacy" or some shit.

I guarantee all of them ate that up without a second thought.

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