this post was submitted on 07 Nov 2023
135 points (97.9% liked)
Weird And Oddly Specific Playlists
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a place for weird, unique, or oddly specific playlists. please read the pinned post here for a more detailed description
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Not Hispanic or a mom, but I've been wanting more Latin-american music in my life. Will have to check it out.
On a side note: does anyone know of any Latin-american metal bands? Like, kind of a fusion of Latin-american stuff and metal?
Edit: thanks y'all for the suggestions! I've been sick so I haven't really been able to check anything out, but I'll be sure to do so when I feel better.
Does Sepultura count?
Hmm, I can't think of any metal but I'm certain I've heard some recently. The closest recommendation I can think of is Hocico, but they're aggrotech-industrial so it's not really what you want I think
edit: found what I was thinking of Brujeria - Bruja Encabronada
I remembered another
This is dope, thanks for suggesting it
Sepultura, soulfly, brujeria, ill nino, ershetu(french, but their debut album focuses on mayan mythology so there's influences from that area), mago de oz (Spanish folk metal, so not quite exactly what you're looking for, but they're very good nonetheless)
You can check hermética, horcas or imperio
The girl band Ha-Ash has a fantastic cover of Unforgiven. The rest of their songs are not in the same vein but I jam that cover all the time.