
joined 1 year ago
[–] angrymouse 40 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

100% ppl need stop thinking big changes can be made "by individuals", this kind of stuff needs regulation and state alternatives made by popular pressure or is impossible to break as an average worker dealing with in the private sector.

[–] angrymouse 2 points 2 weeks ago

It's basically Chile

[–] angrymouse 1 points 2 weeks ago

Let OP cope, reality is to harsh.

[–] angrymouse 8 points 2 weeks ago

What is your reasoning here? Kde users are mad because he tried to say KDE is good? I'm really lost here.

[–] angrymouse 2 points 2 weeks ago

This issue with glibc should have been sorted out. But yeah, if you use arch you may have some issues from time to time cause some projects broke their ABIs sometimes, but I prefer to use the one with pacman cause I only have to update my entire system with one command, also theming is an issue with flatpak that I know there is solutions out there but AFAIK are always adhoc solutions for each app.

Also, IIRC steam folder is always in a weird place using flatpak.

[–] angrymouse 3 points 2 weeks ago

Usually depends of the game, no idea in BG but I would recommend testing both

[–] angrymouse 10 points 3 weeks ago

"could force" lol.

Fifa didn't give a single duck In Qatar, why they would care now? Only if Saudis does not promise enought "partnership" if know what I mean

[–] angrymouse 3 points 3 weeks ago

South America: "first time?"

There is a war happening worldwide, some places are being blown up, other places uses Twitter and Facebook. China saw it coming years ago, and besides Europe being the most progressive place about social network it is still being threatened in the name of good relationship with US and its shitty companies.

Russia is just using US greed against themselves (Trump and his fellas) and Europe.

But does not help that European bourgeoisie is using mass migration to press wages while the left shifted more to the right, ignoring this problem right in the middle of a housing prices issue, making ppl in the lower classes lose a lot in real wage and giving fuel to the right wing.

[–] angrymouse 3 points 3 weeks ago

With EFI you can even install windows after Linux and it will not mess with your systemctl boot. Windows will only put its bootloader in the EFI partition and systemctlboot will continue working. My girlfriend made this and I lost my jaw.

[–] angrymouse 3 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, but you can also run as a windows user and be happy. I have my moments of "from scratch" guy, but sometimes I just throw all away and reinstall (or install another) my distro when I feel the issue is too obscure and should not be occurring. A lot of ppl judge me but I'm using only Linux for the past 3 years and I'm happy as fuck with it. Even liking problem solving sometimes I just want to open a game and run, and yeah, I can do it in the exactly same lazy way of windows.

[–] angrymouse 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Documentação, infelizmente, é algo que é meio fraco no software livre (talvez até no software como um todo)

Documentação ou tutorial? Pq documentação eu discordo, a quantidade de serviços fechados que eu já tive que lidar no trabalho com documentação horrorosa é de foder

[–] angrymouse 4 points 1 month ago

O lemmy é indexável por crawlers? Não sabia, bacana.


Just sharing about of, what is for me the, best player extension for youtube that was down for a while but seems to be working again.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by angrymouse to c/[email protected]

Anyone can relate to this? When I go full screen the video got blurry, I noted this scrolling for comments as well when I can only hear the video.

Edit: My dumb ass forgot to mention, is v120 build 2015986298


I have almost 11k behavior score(I reached this week) and low MMR, and in my last 8 games all of them I have a 0/5 on my team by minute 6-7, I can gank their lanes, give kills, they just lose it anyway. It is also common, almost every game, to someone actively grief like sup 4 abandoning the lane early minutes and refusing to participate in fights as well.

I'm confused cause after the first behavior score update my games felt a little better but something between the compendium patch or the fact I reached almost 11k on BS feel wrong, it is a lot worse than before the behavior update.

Anyone with high behavior score is feeling something related?


Just remembering that Pure is the same guy that was booted from for draw a large Z, signaling support to the Russian invasion, in the minimap during the Stockholm major.

Placebo (
submitted 11 months ago by angrymouse to c/memes

Redmi Note 7 using lavender. Yesterday I updated and now my trebuchet app just crashes all the time. Tried to clear all data without success, any idea?

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