this post was submitted on 05 Nov 2023
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[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Terrorist supporter is butthurt that her side is losing

What other "terrorists" do you think they are referring to in this context?

[–] Earthwormjim91 -4 points 7 months ago (3 children)
[–] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago (2 children)

spyd3r from the community Washington, [email protected]
reason: account appears to be primarily used to bait/troll
spyd3r from the community World News
reason: islamophobic, hate, troll

Sure, just an innocent misunderstanding.

Removed Comment Having a bus only lane is a gigantic waste of space and resources, they should start fining the city planners that come up with these dumb ideas instead. by
reason: account appears to be primarily used to bait/troll
Removed Comment "fired in self-defense after they were attacked with rocks by dozens of rioting Hamas supporters.” is the real headline, but the AP goes with some guys uncle who literally admitted he didn't even witness the confrontation. by
reason: Rule 1
Removed Comment Should show the whole video where these whackos are attacking his car trying to rip him out of his vehicle while blocking him in. Also, where the hell are the police??? by
reason: promoting vehicular homicide
Removed Comment Oh no particular reason, other than the huge mob of residents from a nearby suburb chanting "From the river to the sea". Just a few casual calls for genocide though, no big deal. by
reason: Trolling

Nothing to see here, just a bunch of evidence of a shitty bigot troll.

[–] Spyd3r -3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I was wondering where all those comments went thanks for undeleteing them all for me, seems there's some overzealous moderators that are more interested in enforcing ideological purity than fostering open discussion.

"Promoting vehicular homicide", for pointing out they edited the video to remove the parts that showed it was self defense and not an attack, that's rich. My here mistake was not posting the full unedited video to properly illustrate their hypocrisy

"Trolling" for providing video evidence of anti-semitic hate speech and calls for genocide. another good one, really says something about the person who removed that comment.

"Rule 1" for pointing out a headline was sourced from some guy who admitted (in the same article) he didn't even witness the events he's being quoted on. Quality

"Trolling/baiting" for making a joke about stupid bus lanes. LiTeRaLly ThEy WoRsT PeRsOn In ThE WoRlD!!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

Yup, there it all is! No problem!