this post was submitted on 31 Oct 2023
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[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

weird you can get so much correct and still somehow fail to see gun control is crucially important

I didn't say it wasn't important. I just know that gun rights are important. There are a small number in the American Left who want us to have gun laws that are more extreme than most of Europe). Then there are a larger number in the American Left who try to write gun control without actually educating themselves on the issue. And they are outspoken, uneducated and reactionary (sorta like the Right)

Good gun control IS important. Bad gun control does nothing. So many gun control advocates don't understand what living 50 miles from the nearest town looks like. Ever been charged by a wild animal living in a town without PD, knowing the deputized PD the next town over doesn't have Animal Control and tells you "shoot it" if you call with an animal complaint? There's a difference between Free Gun drives in Urban Centers and actually needing them. Background checks? Registries? Bans on excessive weapons/munitions? That's fine (though the last gun control bill I read had bans on things like heat compensation, so I guess gun owners need to burn themselves).

I see this a lot in left wing Americans. it’s like some sort of epigenetic brain disfunction

Ah yes. Nothing like the Left talking things out in good faith and respect. Our Right can get an atheist businessman and a Christian Zealot into a room and come out happy, but we've got factions in our Far Left threatening to execute each other or refusing to consider their positions on the issues without them having "epigenetic brain disfunction".

that doesn’t permit logic and guns to meet.

Here's for logic. I've never met a gun ban advocate (let's be honest, that's the kind of Gun Control the left won't agree on. We all agree on smart gun control) whose answer to "what about people who actually need guns to live" was anything different than "tough fucking luck. I'd rather you get mauled by a bear than deal with the nuances of country vs city life".

I had a bear in my back yard last month destroying shit. He didn't come after anyone, but a couple miles down he surprised a family and endangered a kid. He needed to be shot (luckily he survived like bears do, but he ran away and the kid was safe). And you don't want a bolt-action weapon when dealing with a bear or a pack of coyotes. You want a semi-automatic.